Guidelines for applying for ECTS

How to apply

Be aware that ECTS cannot be granted for purely attendance of conferences. How many ECTS can be approved for attending a conference will be assessed individually.

Procedures for applying for ECTS in terms of attending conferences should be followed:

If you wish to apply for ECTS for attending a conference, you first fill in the application template and contact your supervisor for approval. Then you send the application template to the secretary and the chair of PhD program NO later than two weeks before the conference starts. After the conference ends, you should send the updated application template and delivery. The delivery can be a presentation to your research group/section/department after you come back from conference, where the contents should be aligned with the learning outcomes. The delivery can also be a written report to document the aligned learning activities with learning outcomes.

It will not be enough to just attend a conference, you should also have proof that you have used the knowledge you have obtained and passed it on to others in a professional capacity.

We typically award 1 ECTS for 25-30 hours workload, but no more than 3 in total for conference activities. The number of hours refer to the time you have spent on the learning outcome and not the conference itself.

Before the conference

Before the conference

Before the conference

After the conference

After the conference

After the conference