Qualifying exam

Who is responsible for what tasks when




Three (3) months before the exam PhD Partner at GSTS Notification e-mail with practical information to PhD student and main supervisor
Six (6) weeks prior to the exam PhD student and main supervisor PhD student updates the PhD plan, and the main supervisor completes the registration form and sends it to the CAE Head of PhD program for approval.
When the assessment committee is in place Main supervisor The main supervisor must find a time and date for the defence that all members and the PhD student can agreed to. The exam usually takes place at 13:00. The supervisor is also responsible for booking a meeting room for the exam.
Three (3) weeks prior to the exam PhD student Submits the progress report to the GSTS partner.
Three (3) weeks prior to the exam PhD Partner at GSTS Sends out the progress report and other relevant information to the supervisor and external co-examiner.
At least one (1) week before exam GSTS and PhD secretary Announce the exam on the GSTS and Department websites.
One (1) week prior to the exam Main supervisor Orders lunch for the external co-examiner either before or after the exam. An alternative is to take the external co-examiner to a canteen and buy him or her lunch there. If possible, the supervisor must pay for lunch from a research project. If this is not possible, the supervisor can contact the PhD secretary and ask for a project and activity number from the department.
Immediately after the exam Main supervisor Sends a signed protocol to the PhD Partner at GSTS.