Work environment and safety

The current Occupational Health and Safety organisation at Aarhus University consists of the following levels:

  • The main Occupational Health and Safety Committee at Aarhus Universitet (HAMU)
  • Occupational Health and Safety Committee at main academic level (FAMU/AAMU)
  • Occupational Health and Safety Committees  at lower level and department level (LAMU)
  • Occupational Health and Safety Groups (AMG)

Occupational Health and Safety Committee at the department

Our local Occupational Health and Safety Committee (LAMU) are concerned with the working environment and safety at the department's localities. The department has a series of occupational health and safety groups with at least one employee representative and one management representative in each group.

If you have any questions or comments regarding your working environment, please contact the department’s occupational health and safety committee.

In case of fire, accidents or life-threatening situations:

  1. Stop the accident if you can do so without putting yourself at risk.
  2. Call 112.
  3. Evacuate if necessary.
  4. Call AU’s emergency phone number 87151617.

In the event of other emergencies, please contact the occupational health and safety committe or your immediate supervisor.

In the event of a near-accident, it is also important that you contact the occupational health and safety committee so that we can learn from it and ensure that it does not become a real accident in the future.