Occupational Health and Safety Committee

The occupational health and safety organisation is concerned with conditions that create a safe and healthy work environment, where the employees of the department thrive and feel safe. The occupational health and safety groups conduct periodic reviews of the different areas, initiate urgent corrective actions and suggest improvements.

The tasks include among other things:

  • Follow up on workplace assessment reports
  • Annual status reports
  • Providing safety instructions to new and current staff in the department

It is important to note that all employees are responsible for the working conditions and safety in the department and should report to the representatives if a dangerous situation occurs.

Local Occupational Health and Safety Committee members

The local Occupational Health and Safety Committee consists of a chair who is appointed by the Head of Department, management representatives, also appointed by the Head of Department, and a number of elected employee representatives.

Working environment groups

The occupational health and safety organisation is concerned with conditions that create a safe and healthy work environment, where employees thrive and feel safe. The occupational health and safety groups conduct periodic reviews of the different areas, initiate urgent corrective actions and suggest improvements.

The Department has three working environment groups: Office, Teaching and Workshop and lab. Each has at least one employee representative and one management representative.



Workshop and lab

Remember: work environment is a shared responsibility.