Information to new employees

Welcome to the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering.

Below you will find practical information, guidelines, and obligations that you need to be aware of in connection with your employment. You are encouraged to read this information thoroughly and save the page so that you can find it again as the various points become relevant to you.

Onboarding, employee handbook and staff policy

All new employees are encouraged to participate in Aarhus University's Introduction Seminar, which is held every other month. You will find the programme and registration on our staff service.

Employee handbook and staff policy
On staff service you can find various information and rules about everything from parental leave to travel rules.

E-mail and mobile phone

As an employee at Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, you must read and respond to your emails and always keep your calendar updated. You can download a template for setting up email signatures on the staff service.

Mobile phone
If you are given a mobile phone in connection with your employment, you have two options:

1.      Use your phone for work purposes only. If you choose this option, you must fill in a solemn declaration and return it to the secretariat (

2.      Use the mobile phone for both work and private purposes. If you choose this option, the requirement for multimedia taxation applies.

In both cases, it is the department's general policy that roaming should be used as little as possible, and that you should connect to a wireless network whenever possible. In addition, we recommend that employees use Skype, Microsoft Teams or Zoom for conversations abroad.

Please inform the secretariat ( of which option you choose.

Holiday and absence

Holiday and absence
You can read about the department's guidelines for registration of holiday and absence on the Department's staff portal.

Go to the overall staff portal to read more about Aarhus University's general rules on holiday. On the overall staff portal you can also get an overview of absence, holiday taken and future holiday earned by logging on to My Profile (see the top right-hand corner of the window).

Personal profile on AU’s website

Personal profile on AU’s website
By searching for your name on Aarhus University’s staff portal you will find your personal PURE profile. It is your responsibility to keep your profile up to date. I therefore request that you send the following information to as soon as possible, and your updates will be added to the system:

  • Brief description of your personal, academic profile
  • Your resume (Word format)

Any subsequent corrections and updates of the profile must also be sent to

In case you do not have a photo we kindly ask you to contact AU Photo, which handles staff photography for the PURE profiles and business cards.

The photo must be sent to, after which it will be added to your PURE profile.

You are welcome to add information about your relatives to your personal information on your profile at Relatives may be contacted in special cases.

To add information about your relatives on, click on “My profile” in the top right corner and sign in with your username (au<AUID> and password. Two-step authentication may be required. Select “Profile settings” and add relatives.

You can find your AUID on your access card, and you can set your password on

Registration of articles and activities (Academic staff only)
All the articles, reports, conference papers, etc. you write as well as the activities you participate in during your employment at Aarhus University must be registered in Aarhus University's PURE database. You do so by sending your activities and publications to

Read more about registration of activities and publications in PURE.


AU has entered several purchasing agreements with suppliers, which must be complied with. You find the purchasing agreements on our staff portal Procurement (

All purchases must be approved by the project manager together with the project finance administrator. You must then make your purchase in accordance with AU's purchasing agreements. In connection with the purchase, the following information must be submitted to the supplier and added to the invoice:

  • Department EAN number
  • Project and activity number (customer's order number/reference)
  • Name of purchaser

Please note that special rules apply to procurement for large amounts. The detailed rules are described on the Department's website.

Information security and data protection (GDPR)

Information security
As an employee, you must follow the general framework for information security at Aarhus University. On our website on information security policy, you can keep up-to-date on Aarhus University's policy and rules regarding information security.

Data protection (GDPR)
If you handle sensitive personal or confidential information in connection with your work, it is important that you comply with the legislation in this area. On the following page, you can find out more about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and what you need to do to make sure you protect personal data.
Protection of sensitive personal information and confidential data.