Employments lasting under a year

Please use this form to report temporary employment (under a year) (e.g. research assistants or post-docs), to extent temporary employments, or report hourly pay employments (e.g. part time teachers or student helpers).

Before the form is filled, the employment/extension must be approved by the Head of Section/responsible leader and the Project Finance Administrator.

The online form will be sent to the Department inbox and you receive a copy of your submission.

Please note, that it is not permitted to let a new employee start work before the form has been filled out and you have been contacted by either the secretariat og HR. Moreover, HR must have the case sent no later than one month before the start date so please report the employment as soon as possible.

Employments based on job advertisements is handled via Emply. In that case you should not use this form. If you have any questions regarding job advertisements, please consult this webpage: https://cae.medarbejdere.au.dk/en/administrative-support/recruitment-of-staff/job-advertisements

Employments lasting under a year

Employments lasting under a year