Room reservation

Booking meeting rooms

You can book a meeting room by inviting the room to a meeting from your Outlook calendar, in the same way you normally invite participants. You find the specific meeting room by searching for building number-room number (for example 3210-03.070) in the address book. Find an overview of our building numbers below.

Building numbers:

  • Navitas = 3210
  • Skejby Nordlandsvej 301 = 2330

Booking classrooms

Many of our classrooms at Navitas can now be booked directly in Outlook. This means that now employees themselves can book meetings, workshops, seminars, and other events directly in Outlook in these classrooms.

Can I as an instructor move teaching activities?

If you wish to move an already scheduled teaching activity, you will still have to contact Nat-Tech Studies Administration at, in order for it to apply to the schedule at, as well as to the students personal schedules.

Before you send an email, you can check if the room that you want is available by following the link below.

An integration from the administrative scheduling software to Outlook ensures that double bookings will not occur

Because the rooms are indeed classrooms, you will notice that most of them are used for teaching activities on a daily basis throughout most of the year. These teaching activities will also show up in the room’s calendar in Outlook, as a result of an automatic integration from the administrative scheduling software to Outlook. This means, that if the classroom is available in Outlook, then you can be sure that, that is actually the case, and with no risk of double bookings.

You will notice, that if you attempt to book a classroom in the teaching period F23 or later teaching periods, as well as in the coming winter exam period or later exam periods, that it is pre-booked for teaching and exam activities. As soon as the teaching and exam activities have been planned and scheduled by the Nat-Tech Studies Administration for the coming periods, the remaining capacity will become available for booking.